Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Since the first version of Winamp in 1997, today has become one of the most popular, if not the best MP3 player for Windows operating systems. Although a large amount of features and improvements have been included in each new version, but until the latest version of Winamp, still supports integration with the taskbar in Windows 7. To enable this feature, plus a plug-in is required which is called as Win7shell. Win7shell is a small plug-in for Winamp that makes it integrates with the new taskbar in Windows 7 to support lists of Salto.

Win7shell includes the following features:

  • Displays the playback status and progress in the bottom of the icon bar icon task.
  • Use icon on the taskbar to display a "VU meter".
  • Displays the playback status overlay using the icon in the icon on the taskbar.
  • Customize the image of aerodynamic peek - Logo Winamp, album art, personalized information on the current media set and custom image file.
  • Add control buttons on the thumbnail player aerodynamic look.
  • Add the media playing into the category of "recent" in the skip list.
  • Winamp is now easier to find in 3DFlip.
  • Allows you to enable, disable or customize the plug-in features

Win7shell is available for free download.


Baudio91 said...

Try this! is really good!




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